MIke wrote:
Along with many other people of all political persuasions, I was disgusted to learn that in Church ward the Reading Labour Party is distributing local election literature indulging in dog-whistle politics by claiming that their candidate was ‘born and bred’ in Reading and is ‘one of us’! Harmless you may think, until you realise that sitting Conservative councillor Azam Janjua was born in Pakistan. Does the Reading Labour Party think that we were born (and bred) yesterday?
As if the racist overtones in Labour’s literature were not enough, Labour has also attempted to re-write the facts and regurgitate the lies of the past. When Azam joined the Conservatives and stood again for election in Church ward in 2008, Labour attempted to smear him with serious allegations which they were never able to substantiate. Should we be surprised at Labour’s gutter politics? No. It’s as if they just can’t help themselves repeating the same old patterns of behaviour. It’s disgusting!
Azam is the only Church ward candidate in the forthcoming election that lives in the ward and he has represented the ward for many years as a diligent, honourable and hard-working man.
And yes, Cllr Janjua is one of us; one of those decent people who care about their community and neighbourhood. I hope Church ward residents demonstrate their contempt for Labour’s slur tactics by re-electing Azam Janjua on May 3rd.
Mike Townend
Former Church Ward Councillor