Rob Wilson MP today issues the following statement regarding Priory Avenue Surgery:
“It is great news that as a result of the tendering process, GP services at Priory Avenue Surgery are going to get better. The surgery will still provide all the same services it does now, but opening hours are actually going to be extended to 7 days a week.
“Local people will be reassured that the new practice holders are a company of GPs already successfully providing GP services in Berkshire. The new providers convinced the local health trust at every stage of the process that they were the best people for the job.
“I hope this puts to rest any fears people might have had as a result of Reading Labour’s cynical scaremongering about the “privatisation” of GP services in Reading. The new practice holders at Priory Avenue Surgery will be GPs, who also happen to have organised themselves into a private company. What matters is that free NHS GP services for local people living near Priory Avenue have been secured, and are going to get even better. It is shameful that the Labour Party candidate in Reading East has behaved in an appalling manner that frightened local elderly residents.”