Following concern expressed by lots of residents about speeding on the roads in North Reading Councillors, PCSO's and residents have come together, via the North Reading Safer Neighbourhood Forum, to organise several speedwatch operations in the area. Last night was the first session and we spent an hour on Caversham Park Road monitoring speed and recording those cars which were going over the speed limit. The session was set up by PCSO's Lauren and Jess and attended by 2 Conservative Councillors - Jane Stanford Beale (RECA Chair) and Clare Grashoff and 4 local residents. The main concern of residents was the safety of children using the road, especially crossing between Littlestead and Caversham Park Village and also around Clayfield Copse. Speeding vehicles make it difficult for other cars to turn out onto the road and they also cause problems with noise for those who lives nearest the road.