Great news for Woodley residents! Last night Conservative led Woodley Town Council voted to reduce the Town Council Tax that Woodley residents pay by 3%.
This is on top of a 5% reduction last year making a combined 8% reduction over the two years. In money terms this equates to putting £9 back in the pockets of Woodley’s residents.
After many, many years of not seeing any reductions in council tax precept by the previous Lib Dem led administration, Woodley residents have seen two consecutive years of reductions which raises the question as to why this had not occurred before?
With Town Council elections coming up in May, if the Conservatives keep control then we fully intend to continue this downward trend and reduce the Woodley council tax precept over the coming years.
Next year will see some major projects coming forward starting with the 3G pitch in Woodford Park followed by the redevelopment of the North end of the Town Centre and the arrival of the long awaited toilets.