Reading Conservatives are promoting a clean campaign pledge which has been signed by the Liberal Democrat and Green Groups on Reading Borough Council. Independent candidate in Whitley ward, Jamie Wake, has also added his support.
Following suggestions that Labour has used “dog whistle” tactics in its Church ward campaign all parties are being encouraged to sign up to a pledge of clean campaigning.
The Clean Campaign Pledge states:
We, the undersigned, pledge in the Reading Borough local election campaign:
· To show by our actions that politics can be a clean and positive activity, engaged in genuinely for the good of all.
· To tell the truth about what we have achieved and stand for and, and about what others have achieved and stand for.
· To refrain from making personal attacks against, or misleading statements about, other candidates in written literature or verbally.
· Not to mislead the public about who is doing well and about who is likely to win in these elections.
· To make only honest and reasonable promises.
· To fight a clean, positive and honest campaign around the issues that concern the people of Reading
· In particular, to be honest about public spending, and not to scaremonger in ways that may frighten the most vulnerable members of our society, such as children and elderly people.
· To take money only from organisations and individuals whose motives in giving us money we do not have reason to suspect.
Conservative Leader Cllr Tim Harris said, “It is important that all parties conduct a fair and honest campaign which conforms to the standards of decency expected by the people of Reading. There should be no place for racism or homophobia and parties should not scaremonger amongst the vulnerable.”
Lib Dem Leader Cllr Daisy Benson said, “I'm very happy to sign this pledge - I did the same in 2010 and I know from talking to residents in Reading they really appreciated the positive campaign we ran. Political parties should campaign on issues, ideas and their record at election time. They should not resort to making personal attacks on candidates to win votes or do things that could undermine public confidence in the political process.”