Richard writes:
As a local resident and ward Councillor in Peppard ward I have lost count of the number of local people who have raised with me the state of the car park at the Emmer Green Shopping Centre in the heart of the ward. Better known as Budgen’s Precinct, this is privately owned land and therefore not as easy to resolve as if it were the responsibility of the Council.
Like many residents, my colleague Jane Stanford-Beale and I have been frustrated by the state of the paved area and the car park in front of the shops. In August last year I wrote to the managing agents, Wolfe Property Services, to complain about the poor state of both the car park and the paved area in front of the shops and to ask that they be repaired and improved as a matter of urgency. My initiative was then followed by another ward Councillor.
I am therefore delighted to see that Wolfe has responded with a planning application submitted in February to repair the car park and replace much of the paved area in front of the shops with a new more even tarmac surface. They have even submitted my letter to them in support of their planning application.
I anticipate the application will be decided by 27 April with the works starting soon after. The potholes in the car park are huge and are due to be dealt with shortly afterwards. This is great news and I know that the many Peppard ward residents who use the car park and the shops will be delighted. It is a good example of what can be achieved by ward Councillors.
You can read the Design and Access Statement submitted by Wolfe Property Services, which has my letter attached to it, here.
UPDATE: I have had huge interest in this article as so many people in Peppard ward have been frustrated at the poor state of the car park and area in front of the shops. However, unfortunately for many people the links I posted to the Reading Borough Council website did not work, so I have downloaded the Design and Access Statement submitted by Wolfe Property Services, which has my letter attached to it, and you should be able to read the document here.