For the first time in some years, Labour is back in full control of the council and immediately show residents that Caversham is not their priority.
They just don’t care about what happens north of the river. They like to take Caversham’s residents council tax but when it comes to services their priorities are always elsewhere.
Here are just two examples:
Caversham councillors fought to have Caversham Court returned to its former glory and we can now all enjoy a garden that is a gem right in the middle of our community. However, in the past when Caversham Court was left unlocked at night it was used for very anti-social behaviour, causing damage and creating an unsafe environment.
Friends of Caversham Court, Caversham and District Residents’ Association (CADRA) and Caversham Ward’s Conservative councillors fought hard to improve security and were delighted when the gardens were secured at night time.
Now Labour, showing their disregard for Caversham want to leave Caversham Court open all night, leaving this precious place open to abuse and vandalism. Facing overwhelming pressure they have thankfully dumped their daft idea.
Secondly Caversham Globe kindly offered to plant up the planters in the middle of Caversham as the Labour –run council was not going to do this. Astonishingly Caversham Globe’s volunteers were not thanked and welcomed with open arms for this kind offer by local people.
Instead the Labour –run council put up obstacles and found reasons not to do this.
Councillors Andrew Cumpsty and Tom Stanway contacted officials to say that common sense should prevail and once again the Labour Council under pressure from local Conservative Councillors has changed its mind.
Labour has shown that its priorities are not for Caversham, but elsewhere in Reading. Caversham residents pay a huge amount of council tax and deserve better service from their council.