Reading Conservatives have welcome news that the Conservative-led Coalition Government has awarded Reading just over £20m for schemes to improve transport in and around Reading. The core elements which comprised the bid were a new pedestrian/cycle bridge across the Thames and a major bike hire scheme, both of which were initiated and developed during the local Conservative-led coalition in Reading. During the coalition time in office a small bid for £4.9m was successful allowing further work to be done to develop ideas for a large bid in cooperation with neighbouring local authorities.
The large bid to the Local Strategic Transport Fund (LSTF) was for £24m and the £20.7m awarded today is one of the largest in the country and the biggest to date in the south east of England.
Cllr Richard Willis, who initiated the bridge and bike hire schemes, said, “I congratulate the Council on the successful bid to the LSTF. This bid was built on the firm foundations we laid when we ran the Council and the detailed work done by Transport officers to develop the plans. Now that this significant sum of money has been awarded to Reading by the Government I look forward to seeing the bridge and bike hire schemes coming to fruition.”
Cllr Tim Harris, Conservative Group Leader said, “I am delighted that the Conservatlve led Coalition government has awarded another significant sum of money to Reading for transport programmes. It is a credit to the hard work and initiative shown by Cllr Willis when Lead Councillor and the work of the Transport officers that we have this new money. Once again Conservatives have lead and set the agenda for Reading.”