Peppard Ward's Councillor Richard Willis gives an update on the plans for Clayfield Copse micro Park and Ride.
There are two significant developments:
1. Yesterday the Council announced that in response to the objections received so far relating to Clayfield Copse and Palmer Park micro park and ride schemes, the recommended plan will be adjusted to remove Saturdays from the operating hours. This means that the Park and Ride would operate on Monday to Friday only if this is agreed at the Labour Cabinet meeting next month. However, there is no shift on the 2hours free parking with £4 thereafter.
Whilst a welcome concession, I am surprised that this has been announced BEFORE the consultation period, which expires on 5 July, has even finished. The problem will still remain for many leisure users who need to park for longer than 2 hours and would not wish (or be able) to pay £4 every time they use the car park. There is also no guarantee that the charging regime would not be extended to weekends and the free period abolished, just as it has been recently in most other NCP run car parks.
2. In light of the very large number of objections and enquiries I have received, I have asked the Council's senior transport officer to attend a public meeting to explain the proposals, to answer questions, and to listen to the level of concern in the area about Micro Park and Ride at Clayfield Copse.
I have therefore booked the Emmer Green Youth and Community Centre for the evening of Monday 2 July from 6.45pm with an intention to begin the meeting promptly at 7pm. I will chair the meeting and Anthony Bolton, the Head of Highways and Transport will be present as will my Conservative ward colleague Cllr Jane Stanford-Beale.
You may be interested to read coverage in the Reading Post here: